Health Benefits Of Consuming Liver

When buying beef liver, you want to look for calves' liver, which is generally tenderer and milder in flavor than meat from older animals. Beef liver offers significant amounts of protein, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. A 68-gram slice of liver contains only 6 percent of the daily values of fat and saturated fat, 2 percent of the DV of sodium and 1 percent of the DV of carbohydrates. A serving has approximately 130 calories.Most Times we only find liver in our meal when eating fried or preparing fried rice but liver can be used to make just pure liver stew,boiled,blended and used in making sauce for eating rice ,bread and yam.
Below are some of the nutritional benefits/contents of liver.
A slice of beef liver supplies 40 percent of the DV of protein. Your body needs protein to make and repair cells, turn food into energy, create certain enzymes, hormones and antibodies and make breast milk. When your body metabolizes protein, it breaks it down into amino acids. There are 21 amino acids your body needs to function, but it's capable of making 12 of them on its own. You must get the other nine, called essential amino acids, from food sources. Beef liver supplies large amounts of four of the essential amino acids and smaller amounts of the other five.Vitamins
A 68-gram slice of beef liver provides 2,000 percent of the adult recommended dietary allowance for vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 plays vital roles in the production of genetic materials and red blood cells and in neurological health. The same serving of beef liver supplies 917 percent of the adult female RDA for vitamin A and 713 percent of the adult male RDA. Vitamin A is integral to vital organ, immune, vision and reproductive functions and is also active in cell communication, growth and differentiation. A slice of beef liver also offers 212 percent of the adult female RDA for riboflavin and 179 percent of the adult male RDA. Riboflavin helps your body metabolize food and maintain vision and skin health..
A serving of beef liver has 121 percent of the adult female RDA for zinc and 88 percent of the adult male RDA. Zinc aids in cellular metabolism, immune function, protein and genetic materials creation, wound healing and cell division. It is also vital for normal fetal, childhood and adolescent growth and development and maintaining your senses of taste and smell. A 68-gram slice of beef liver contributes 56 percent of the adult male RDA for iron and 25 percent of the adult female RDA. Iron transports oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body and also aids in cell growth and division. The same amount of beef liver supplies 45 percent of the adult RDA for selenium. Selenium helps your body fight cellular damage from free radicals by combining with proteins after metabolism to form powerful antioxidants called selenoproteins. By batting free radicals, selenoproteins can help prevent cancer and heart disease. Selenium also plays important roles in immune and thyroid function.Cholesterol
The major disadvantage of eating beef liver is the amount of cholesterol it contains. A slice of beef liver has 90 percent of the DV of cholesterol. Cholesterol is vital to the creation of cells and certain hormones, but your body naturally produces all it needs. Excessive dietary cholesterol can increase your risks for heart disease and stroke.My Advice is that you eat lots of liver.