Vitamin E and The Skin


Vitamin E is a term used for fat-soluble or fat-loving compounds found in avocados, nuts, asparagus, vegetable oil, corn and leafy vegetables, to name a few. Vitamin E is also a general term for these compounds: tocopherols and tocotrienols.

There are numerous health benefits from taking in vitamin E. Vitamin E helps prevent certain complications such as diabetes. It even plays an important role in cell signaling mechanisms,but today we are going to discuss the importance of this vitamins to the skin which is the largest organ in the body and also pr exposed to lot of toxic substance and free radicals in the air.
Vitamin E is probably the most important vitamin that is essential for healthy skin. It is is an effective antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in your body. Free radicals are caused by a number of factors such as sun exposure, pollution and smoking – These all cause aging of the skin. Vitamin E can also help combat lines, wrinkles and age spots.
I especially love this vitamin because it helps prevent sun damage, and we all know that this is a real concern in Nigeria where it is sunny almost all year round.
 With its active role as an antioxidant, it is usually tapped as an active ingredient in beauty products. Do you notice how vitamin E is promoted often to achieve healthy-looking skin? With the role it has in preventing the formation of more harmful reactive oxygen, it prevents damages to healthy skin by lessening the effects of certain oxidation processes which harm the skin. Thus, it leads to healthy and youthful skin. Now, you should not be surprised why vitamin E is usually included in products like soaps, shampoos and even lotions.
Best Advice,to keep that young vibrant look on the skin, best bet is consume lots of nuts and vegetables. In addition to its importance to the skin it helps in reducing complication in diabetes,improve visual clarity and a good antioxidant to the body.

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