Beneficial Oils to the Hair- Jojoba Oil Edition

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There are numerous natural oils, which play an important role to our beauty regime. For the benefit of this post, we will like to discuss the importance of jojoba oil to the hair,while others will be discussed in later posts.
I suffer from alopecia ( loss of hair) mine is mostly my edges anytime I braid, the hair together with the extensions fall off from the edges. A friend, recommended I use jojoba oil on my Edges since i am more of a braids person, i did by it for N 2,000.00( it can be gotten in casabella for those resident in Portharcourt)., and i must say there has been a wonderful improvement.

How To Use Jojoba Oil For Hair & Scalp.

To control hair loss

Every hair on our head falls when it comes to the end of its life cycle, but we continue to maintain our total hair volume more or less steady because new hair sprouts in the place of the fallen ones. It is normal to lose anything between 50 to 100 hairs a day, but if we lose more hair than usual or fail to regenerate new hair at the same rate as the hair fall, noticeable thinning may result.
Lack of proper nutrition, various abnormal skin conditions and aging can cause hair loss. Damage to the hair follicles and blockages in them can prevent or delay new hair growth.
How Jojoba oil controls hair loss is by helping the follicles grow new hair. There are sebaceous glands inside each hair follicle. As the hair shaft grows out of the follicle, it carries a coating of sebum that protects the hair. The sebum and other debris can sometimes clog the follicle, preventing the smooth growth of the hair.
Jojoba oil can easily seep into the follicles and dissolve the sebum buildup, clearing up the blockage and facilitating the growth of new hair. The vitamins and minerals in the oil can nourish the skin and improve the overall health of the scalp.

For dry and frizzy hair

Applying Jojoba oil to dry and frizzy hair can help moisturize and condition the hair, making it more manageable and tangle free. Apply the oil to the hair before wash or along with shampoo. This prevents the shampoo from stripping off the natural oil in the hair. You can also apply some Jojoba oil when the hair is still damp from a hair wash. The oil can form a thin waxy coating on each hair shaft, protecting it from the dust and dryness.

To control dandruff

Dandruff is a very common complaint, almost everyone experiencing this irritating and embarrassing scalp condition at some stage in life. This condition is the result of scalp cells dying off at a higher than normal rate due to various reasons. Dryness of the scalp is a leading cause of dandruff; and it can very well be addressed by Jojoba oil application.
Shampoos containing zinc and selenium are commonly used to treat dandruff. It should be noted that Jojoba oil is naturally rich in these minerals, and that could be contributing to its effectiveness in controlling dandruff. Jojoba oil’s antifungal properties also may come in handy since dandruff is often complicated by fungal infections.

Relieves scalp psoriasis

Most people who have psoriasis may develop scalp psoriasis at times. The skin on the scalp peels off in silvery flakes resembling dandruff. Many topical creams effective on psoriasis-affected skin elsewhere in the body may not be as effective on the scalp. Because of the hair growth, thorough application and washing off may be difficult too.
Jojoba oil is easy to apply and spreads well on the scalp as this wax is in liquid form in its natural state. It can clear up sebum and dead cell buildup by penetrating into the hair follicles and lifting up the debris which then washes off easily. The anti-inflammatory oil soothes the skin and reduces redness and itching. The vitamin E and other antioxidants in the oil may also help bring about favorable immunological changes.




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