Motivation: Fear

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When I was a kid I was made to believe that any animal or person that has two heads or appear to have anything out of the ordinary beyond what it should  be, is a monster.
So I grew up expecting to maybe one day have an opportunity to see a life one (Never got to see one  up till this moment). I mean no one ever told me that sometimes monsters don't only take physical forms, but also  in form of a person or an animal (No thanks to cartoons). I wasn't warned in any way that these monsters will sometimes parade themselves in the form of a feeling called "FEAR". Maybe just maybe if I knew beforehand I would have been able to conquer this two faced monster long ago (The first step to conquering an enemy is knowing that the enemy exist).

I call fear the two faced monster because I came to the realization later on in life that the word "FEAR" actually has two meaning. Face Everything and Rise or Forget Everything and Run. Up until I got this insight,  I've always thought of fear as just a negative emotion kind of. But on the contrary fear could be a positive emotion or it could be a negative emotion. Let me explain what I mean by that. Let's say for instance a person who has a fear of poverty, now this person can decide to use his fear of poverty as driving force that pushes him towards success instead of allowing the fear to cripple him and make him financially handicapped.

On the other hand, another individual that has has the fear of failure,(probably due to the fact that he has ventured into one or two things and failed) can allow this fear to keep him from trying to do anything ever again and such a person might remain in the exact same spot for 20, 30/40 years of his life simply because he is too afraid to leave his comfort zone and try something and so while the first individual was able to turn his fear into a positive emotion, the second choose to allow the fear affect him negatively.

Really, if we look at it life is full of two sided experiences good and bad. We could have both good or bad experiences depending on what kind of fear we allow to rule our lives. Even in the bible the negative experience that Job had can be traced to his allowing negative fear to rule his life (If you read from the first chapter you will see how he was living his life in fear. He said " The thing which I feared most has come upon me") The more we learn to turn our fears into a positive emotion, the more we have more good experiences in life and vice versa.
Finally, somebody said "FEAR" is actually False Evidences Appearing Real. When we take a bold step and face our fears we will realize one thing. The thing which we are afraid of is actually afraid of us.
Bukola. Bisiriyu.


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