Smoothie Series : Avocados

It is smoothie Monday and just Negudu This Bunch of Green Detox Goodness. This Combination Has Avocados in it, Strawberry lushness, mint leaves,Lemon, greek yurghurt and a little bit of chai Seed cannot do without them.

This smoothie is particulary the best and contains the following nutrients.
Avocados are particularly the richest food in the world, they are rich in nutrients, healthy for the heart, great for the female reprodcutive system,great for the vision,helps in cancer,healthy babies during preganancy, lowers risk of depression,improves digestion,natural detoxification and antimicrobial actions.

Mint Leaves
Very soothing in nature

It promotes hydration
It is a good source of vitamin C
It supports weight loss
Improves Skin Quality
It aids Digestion
It Freshens Breath
It helps Prevent Kidney stone

Chai Seeds
Despite their small size,chia seeds are full of Omega 3 fatty acids, Rich in antioxidants, Provide fiber, iron and calcium.

Greek Yorgurt
Greek yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, which can help improve bone health. It also contains probiotics, which support a healthy bacterial balance in the gut. Eating Greek yogurt may be associated with lower blood pressure and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.

Just Imagine I will not be Found Wanting If I were you


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